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Preservation service providers for Kings

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Brighton Neighborhood Association Inc.
Type: Preservation
1002 Brighton Beach Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Pat Singer
(718) 891-0800

The Brighton Neighborhood Association (BNA) is entering its 39th year. Our grassroots organization was created during a dark chapter in history when crime was up and housing stock down. We created a war against neighborhood deterioration fighting on many fronts within this diverse community.

BNA provides services such as:Tenant Advocacy, Counseling, Organizing through Lobby Meetings followed up by Landlord/Tenant Forums in order to Resolve Issues and Restore Services in a timely manner, Anti-Crime workshops, A Friendly Ear, Assistance in obtaining Rent Subsidization Programs, Housing and Referral, as well as assistance with other Government Entitlements.

For the past 10 years, BNA's Immigration Outreach Program has targeted Russian, Hispanic and Middle-Eastern, Non-English speaking residents to help them to navigate in their new homeland through Counseling, Advocacy and Referrals, Workshops and meetings.

After Hurricane Sandy washed over our community leaving disaster and streets with 9' to 10' of water, BNA joined in the fight to bring back our community. We coordinated with NYC Housing Preservation and Development, inspecting many of the apartment houses to obtain updated damage reports. We held numerous workshops and assisted over 200 building and home owners to apply for NYC Build it Back, mold remediation and like programs. Working with the Council of Jewish Organizations, we arranged for new bedding for many families who lost everything when the water washed into the ground-floor units. BNA was part of the Planning Committee for NY Rising to share resiliency ideas for the future. Many buildings we assisted have received funding that has been used towards needed repairs and future resiliency. In 2016, 2 buildings with our help are in the process of closing. These two buildings alone will generate over 1/2 million dollars for re-investment in Brighton Beach. BNA continues to be vigilant in our assistance to all in this community, in need.

Astella Development Corporation
Type: Preservation
1618 Mermaid Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Marla Simpson
(718) 266-4653

Astella Development Corporation is dedicated to providing affordable housing, and community economic development, and to improving the quality of life in Coney Island, Brooklyn. Astella was established in 1975 by concerned tenants, landlords and dedicated residents whose primary goal was to stem the tide of neighborhood deterioration.

Astella's services include: assistance to potential home buyers in purchasing a house; informing homeowners and landlords of loan programs; marketing affordable single family homes; working with homeowners associations; coordinating educational workshops; offering counseling to tenants and landlords on their rights and responsibilities; preparing tenants and landlords for housing court; mediating between tenants and landlords; assisting with Housing Authority, HEAP, and SCRIE applications; assistance in filing DHCR complaint forms; provision of social service and job training referrals; assistance with housing rehabilitation efforts; publication of materials on home ownership; job development and posting of job opportunities; assistance with resumes; interfacing with governmental agencies; organizing community events in cooperation with other organizations.

Council of Neighborhood Organizations Inc.
Type: Preservation
3911 FT Hamilton PKY
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Vincent Accetta
(718) 853-0100
The Council of Neighborhood Organizations Inc. (C.O.N.O.) was formed in 1978 to insure that the quality of life for the residents of the Boro Park, Sunset Park and Kensington sections of Brooklyn would be safeguarded. Local community residents as well as local political and religious leaders came together and formed C.O.N.O. In the years that followed, C.O.N.O. put together a full range of social service programs, housing programs as well as youth programs. C.O.N.O. provides assistance in obtaining help from the most needed programs such as Public Assistance, Food Stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, SCRIE, HEAP, IT-214, SCHE, and STAR. The housing market within the community is largely made up of two-, three- and four-unit privately owned homes. With an ever growing immigrant and senior citizen population as well as gentrification playing a major role, housing availability is the number one priority.

In an effort to meet the needs of clientele C.O.N.O. has set up a landlord/tenant mediation board, an eviction prevention unit and a relocation unit to assist tenants in finding affordable housing within the community that will enable families to keep their children in the same school with as little disruption to the family's quality of life as possible. Without land for new housing, the renovating of existing buildings is the only option for dealing with the needs of seniors. C.O.N.O. takes a two-prong approach to housing, working diligently to educate the residents of the neighborhood of their rights as tenants and helping them unify in the form of tenant associations as well as block associations. Over the past 22 years C.O.N.O. has found that educating and unifying tenants is the most effective way of maintaining and improving quality of life.
Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, Inc.
Type: Preservation
387 Kingston Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Rabbi Eli Cohen
(718) 771-9000

Crown Heights Jewish Community Council (CHJCC) is a private, nonprofit social service agency serving one of the most diverse and challenging neighborhoods in New York City. The agency was formed in 1969 in response to deteriorating social and economic conditions in the neighborhood.

Services provided:

Assistance targeted to homes owned by low income families and elderly

Emergency Cooling Program.

Assistance with HEAP applications for boiler repair

Eviction Prevention

Relocation Assistance

Homelessness prevention

Access to a legal counsel for help with immigration, housing, and entitlement issues.

Updating or creating a resume and help entering work force.

Coordinate tenant services, social services, and recertification for low and very low income affordable housing.

Access to benefits and applications for emergency assistance

Crime Watch coordination with NYPD

Partnerships with NYPD, Brooklyn DA, Community Board, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and political officials to advocate for neighborhood needs.

Erasmus Neighborhood Federation, Inc.
Type: Preservation
814 Rogers Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Yves Vilus
(718) 462-7700

Erasmus Neighborhood Federation is a nonprofit organization as is defined under section 501(c) 3 by IRS Code. Erasmus Neighborhood Federation (ENF) was established in 1979 as a federation of block and tenants associations seeking to address issues of neighborhood decline. Our primary program area includes Community Board 17 and parts of Community Boards 14 and 9.

ENF's mission focuses on three major areas. The first is providing a range of direct hands-on constituents services including, but not limited to, counseling and referral on housing, social services, employment and education services and immigration. The second is business planning and job training. The third area of importance is community relations and advocacy for issues of importance for the community.

Currently ENF operates six programs as follows: (1) Tenants Rights advocacy; {2) Immigration Initiative; {3) Commercial Revitalization; (4) Home Rehabilitation; (5) Housing Counseling; (6) Senior Citizen program.

Over the last 37 years ENF has been a driving force behind tenant rights, code enforcement issues, unfair evictions, displacement, immigration and economic development. ENF has been instrumental in establishing programs for social services, housing, education and training. We have provided assistance on various housing issues such as the provision for a level of safe, decent, affordable housing provided throughout the city. In addition, ENF has assisted hundreds of homebuyers and homeowners to evade predatory lenders and avoid foreclosure.

ENF's housing experience is divided into three areas: tenant/landlord services, housing court advocacy and homebuyer/homeowner services. We offer assistance to tenants and landlords regarding their rights and responsibilities.

The Erasmus Neighborhood Federation seeks to promote neighborhood stability by encouraging private homeowners, landlords and businesses to maintain their buildings by providing the necessary services that will allow the community residents to enjoy the benefits of appropriate residential and commercial shelter. By doing so ENF will refer landlords/buildings to HPD's Preservation Finance Unit, including providing technical assistance to landlords to obtain financial and tax benefits from HPD's preservation finance unit.

We assist tenants with lease renewal landlord's harassment and code enforcement issues to prevent eviction. We provide advocacy and support through the Court and we refer tenants to the Home base Program.

The housing related services provided by Erasmus Neighborhood federation are available in several different languages, including Spanish, French and Creole. We effectively communicate, translate and provide counseling and educational materials in these languages.

Individuals who are unable to receive services at our location because of a disability are offered the opportunity to receive services off site and at their residence. In the event that a client is unable to travel, we assign a case manager. The Case manager is required to visit the client's home and provide similar assistance that would be provided at the office site.

Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc.
Type: Preservation
621 Degraw ST
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Michelle de La Uz
(718) 237-2017

Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a not-for-profit, community-based organization in lower Park Slope and South Brooklyn. Our mission is to advance social and economic justice in South Brooklyn, principally by developing and managing affordable housing, creating employment opportunities, organizing residents and workers, and combating displacement caused by gentrification.

FAC's programs:

Affordable Housing Development has been a cornerstone of FAC's work. Throughout its 38-year history, the organization has produced over 900 units of affordable housing in more than 100 buildings, revitalized more than a dozen commercial storefronts, and now has a pipeline of an additional 1,000 units, representing over $400 million in direct investment in South Brooklyn.

Organizing & Advocacy Programs at FAC provide tenant advocacy and organizing to over 300 vulnerable, low-income tenants and families, directly preventing 200 unfair evictions annually. Through direct campaigns, partnerships and coalitions, FAC advances tenant, worker and immigrant rights and works to make homes healthier.

Workforce & Economic Development Programs - Fifth Avenue Committee's Neighborhood Employment Services (NES) program provides direct job placement and counseling to low-income New Yorkers. NES works closely with FAC's workforce development affiliate, Brooklyn Workforce Innovations, which provides over 800 individuals with sector-based, targeted skills training programs rooted in employer demand.

Adult Education & Literacy Programs at FAC offer a range of classes, including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and family literacy to over 1,000 students from 30 countries of origin annually. According to the NYS Department of Education, FAC performs in the top quartile of adult education programs state-wide.

Community Services at FAC connect more than 1,100 low-income New Yorkers to the `social safety net' each year. FAC accomplishes this by providing access to public benefits; free financial, credit and legal counseling; and annual tax preparation services. Single Stop at FAC is among the most effective Single Stop programs in the city's five boroughs, and is a significant part of FAC's Community Services unit.

Flatbush Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
1616 Newkirk Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Robin Redmond
(718) 859-3800

Flatbush Development Corporation's (FDC) primary mission is to improve the quality of life for all residents of Flatbush. By counseling individual tenants and organizing tenant associations, FDC helps to stabilize the parts of the neighborhood that are dense with apartment buildings. The organization works with low-to-moderate income owners of small homes, providing them with critical information on the importance of proper maintenance and financial planning, ensuring that they remain in their homes as strong, sound homeowners.

FDC also reaches out to shareholders in the many troubled, over-leveraged co-operative apartment buildings in Flatbush and works with them to help stabilize management and financial operations of their buildings, explain rights and responsibilities, and teach home maintenance and repair courses.

FDC also plays a role in the larger community; facilitating the overall growth and development of the Flatbush community by developing a 5-year strategic plan, in coordination with local residents and government officials to provide workshops, seminars and a regular newsletter about issues of concern to residents.

In addition, FDC works to revitalize the area's commercial strips by advocating for filling of vacant commercial space, convincing new businesses to expand or relocate to Flatbush, and by convincing other businesses to remain by advocating on behalf of existing local businesses and working with local merchant associations to improve the business climate on retail strips.

In addition, FDC is working to build well-designed affordable housing that blends into the existing neighborhood, thereby enhancing all residents' quality of life and creating an atmosphere in which individuals and families can thrive. The organization continues to advocate for increased support and funding of policies and programs that both produce and preserve affordable housing in the Flatbush community, where such housing are in high demand.

The first of its kind in Brooklyn, FDC's Co-op Resident Association meets once a month and provides members with useful information and resources to help bridge differences among resident shareholders, managers and sponsors and communicate effectively to run successful cooperatives. The strength and diversity of Central Brooklyn depends on the sustainability of Coop apartments, which are home to the largest population of Caribbean and African American apartment renters and first time homeowners of affordable housing/co-ops in our catchment area.

Housing and Family Services of Greater New York, Inc.
Type: Preservation
415 Albemarle RD
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Larry Jayson
(718) 435-7585

The mission of Housing & Family Services of Greater New York is to:

preserve the threatened moderately priced rental housing stock in Brooklyn and

protect the housing of families, promote housing stability

prevent homelessness due to eviction, foreclosure or condemnation of property throughout New York City 

reduce the strain placed on low and moderate income populations due to the scarcity of housing stock

combat the growing unscrupulous and unlawful practices on the part of many owners of multiple dwellings

assist the vulnerable population of minorities, seniors and immigrants often intimidated by the system and unprepared to work independently find solutions to mitigate the building conditions that they live under and to access programs, services and entitlements to assist in protecting their housing and improve their quality of life.

Gowanus Canal Community Development Corporation
Type: Preservation
104 1st Place
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Michael Racioppo
(718) 858-0557

Gowanus Canal Community Development Corporation of the Carroll Gardens area of Brooklyn was founded in 1979 to provide stable, healthy, and affordable living environments for low and moderate income households. During the last twenty years, the organization has assisted and sponsored development of several buildings in the community including a 100-unit senior citizen residence. Our most recent project was a 90-unit gut rehab converting a vacant parochial school into below-market rentals. Gowanus Canal CDC performs the following activities: tenant/client assistance, loan program assistance, homeownership counseling, research/outreach, organizational development, and environmental clean-up activities to promote the development of economic, housing, and recreational projects. We have also added a Computer Training Center for single parents recently taken off the welfare rolls.

North Brooklyn Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
148-50 Huron ST
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Richard Mazur
(718) 389-4078

North Brooklyn Development Corporation (NBDC), was organized in 1979 by civic and business leaders of Greenpoint for the purpose of promoting neighborhood stability, improving economic climate in the community, and building affordable housing. Guided by this mission and a firm understanding of Greenpoint's needs and character, NBDC has developed a strategy that includes programs in housing development and preservation, commercial and industrial development, and employment and education. NBDC has leveraged millions of dollars of public and private funds; it has worked successfully to establish public-private partnerships in community development; and has cooperated with other community groups and organizations who work to meet similar goals in Greenpoint. The purpose of NBDC's housing program is twofold: to preserve the existing housing stock and promote a stable and invested citizenry in Greenpoint and to develop affordable housing for the area's lowest income residents and through thus induce economic development. The former is achieved through the on-going services for homeowners and tenants that includes securing low-interest property rehabilitation loans; rent regulation education; property management and maintenance; landlord/tenant disputes; affordable housing referrals; and securing other housing entitlements. The latter is addressed by constantly looking for sites and means for developing new affordable housing units for the most needy residents. NBDC has also invested heavily into educating Greenpoint's youngsters. Annual After School Programs are run in five local schools providing warm and structured environment for over 450 children with supplemental tutoring in math and reading, arts& crafts workshops, sports and active recreation. NBDC's Community Achievement Project in Schools (CAPS) confronts truancy in schools, improves students' attendance and develops a closer level of communication between schools and families. Such diversified scope of services in addressing community needs allow NBDC to be a leader and promoter in positive change in Greenpoint community.

Ocean Parkway Community Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
4006 18th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Tom Bauer
(718) 435-1300

Ocean Parkway Community Development Corp. (OPCDC) is a grass-roots, multi-ethnic organization incorporated in 1979 to address the deterioration of housing in Kensington and along the Ocean Parkway corridor.

The organization helps with applications for SCRIE, DRIE, SECTION 8, SCHE, DHE, STAR subsidy programs, as well as assisting homeowners to obtain low interest loans and grants to make needed home repairs.

The organization provides counseling for first time home buyers, as well as counseling for families facing foreclosure. The organization also provides financial counseling, and conducts workshops on financial literacy issues.

Pratt Area Community Council
Type: Preservation
1000 Dean Street
Suite 420
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Bernell Grier
(718) 522-2613

Over the past 52 years, Pratt Area Community Council has served the neighborhood preservation needs of Central Brooklyn communities. As of October 2015, PACC became IMPACCT BROOKLYN, strategically re-doubling its efforts in the fight to prevent displacement and preserve affordability in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods. To better serve communities like community boards 2,3,4, 8, 14, 16, 17 IMPACCT BROOKLYN is now located at 1124 Fulton Street in Bedford Stuyvesant and 1000 Dean Street, Suite 420 in Crown Heights. IMPACCT is committed to a vision in which people strive to together to build an equitable, diverse, engaged and flourishing community in Brooklyn.

IMPACCT offers comprehensive community development services in five (5) main program areas:

1) Community Organizing & Tenant Protection Services - individual counseling; anti-eviction/rent arrears/Housing Court assistance; free legal clinics; screening for NYC benefit programs including rent freeze programs; tenants' rights education; free lead dust swipe testing; leadership development.

*Over one year, IMPACCT empowered more than 700 people to challenge landlord neglect and harassment and prevented more than 250 families from being illegally evicted.

2) Economic Development - small business development and support; merchant organizing; individual counseling; free small business workshops; free technical assistance and legal advice.

*Annually, IMPACCT connected 445 entrepreneurs/small business owners with free legal services and financial resources; helped open over 30 new businesses providing one-on-one counseling for 25 owners and helped to grow two merchant associations.

3) Home Services & Asset Building - anti-foreclosure counseling; 1st time home-buyer classes; financial education workshops & seminars; credit repair and counseling; post home-purchase education; application assistance for home downpayments/loan modifications; tax exemption & home-owner grant programs.

*In two years, IMPACCT saved 550 homes from foreclosure securing over 300 permanent mortgage modifications; counseled more than 225 1st-time homebuyers; educated 2000+ potential homeowners; helped clients reduce debt by 35% and assisted more than 100 households in improving credit profiles.

4) Affordable Housing Marketing (*NEW*) - affordable apartment lottery education for applicants; marketing of affordable apartments/home-ownership units; development of affordable housing units; preservation of existing affordable units.

5) Social Services - supportive housing residences; intensive case management

*IMPACCT supports residents to achieve a healthy, productive independent living status.

Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.
Type: Preservation
555 Bushwick Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Maria Viera
(718) 416-4550

Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc. (RBSCC)'s Housing Department has earned a reputation in Bushwick for its leadership role in community development and neighborhood improvement. Starting in the early 1980s, RBSCC's housing program has been responsible for the preservation, and rehabilitation and development of thousands of units of low-income, affordable housing through a variety of approaches including: working with landlords to improve existing housing stock; working with tenants to preserve rent stabilized units; developing and rehabilitating city-owned property; converting underutilized sites throughout the community to affordable housing and providing effective property management services for 1,800 units of affordable family.

RBSCC's housing support programs address the following issues:

Homelessness Prevention (Homebase)

Legal Assistance and Anti-eviction services to stabilize housing (Legal Empowerment and Assistance Program)

Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families

Adult Education and Job Training

Supportive Housing Services for Seniors

Assistance in applying for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits

The major goal of RBSCC, through our housing development and management and our provision of social services, is to preserve low income, affordable housing and support the stability of Bushwick households and the community at large. To that end, our services relate directly to the goals in the RBSCC's strategic plan in that they focus on addressing issues that can undermine a family or individual's stability. Through creative utilization of public subsidies, completed residential developments can be rented to local residents at affordable rates. Thus, helping to insure a continued housing resource for our low income residents.

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
Type: Preservation
625 Jamaica Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Michelle Neugebauer
(718) 647-2800

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation (CHLDC) provides an array of housing services including tenant counseling, tenant organizing, pre-purchase counseling, first time home buyer education seminars, mortgage default counseling and financial counseling to the low- and moderate-income community of Cypress Hills in northeast Brooklyn.

Carroll Gardens Association, Inc.
Type: Preservation
201 Columbia ST
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Vilma Heramia
(718) 243-9301

The Carroll Gardens Association (CGA) is an affordable housing and economic development grassroots organization working in Southwest Brooklyn. We organize with low income residents, small businesses, and allies to advocate for equitable development, permanent affordable housing, and community wealth building policies.

Development and Maintenance of Affordable Housing: CGA has developed over 500 units of affordable housing and currently maintains 150 affordable rental units with nearly 375 low-income residents. As the biggest affordable housing provider in Red Hook outside NYCHA, CGA continues to plan new affordable housing in the neighborhood.

Housing Education and Advocacy: Along with assisting CGA tenants, the organization has served as a resource center for over 1,000 residents annually across Brooklyn looking for housing assistance and community resources. From connecting seniors to secure home services, helping tenants navigate public assistance applications, referring residents facing eviction to legal and financial partners, CGA has a range of experience working with distressed tenants.

Worker Cooperative Development: CGA is currently organizing nannies in the Southwest Brooklyn community to incubate the first child care worker cooperative in Brooklyn Community Board 6, with the purpose of empowering minority and immigrant women and developing sustainable wage jobs.

Entrepreneur Assistance Program: The Entrepreneur Assistance Program, in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration offers resources to small businesses through workshops and one-on-one counseling with those who wish to start a business or expand an existing business.

Workforce Development: CGA offers free computer training and resume workshops for individuals from all over Brooklyn.

Merchant Organizing: CGA provides organizing and technical support to small businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs in Southwest Brooklyn to advocate for a strong local economy.

Greater Sheepshead Bay Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
2107 East 22nd ST
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Ellen Susnow
(718) 332-0582

Greater Sheepshead Bay Development Corporation (GSBDC) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) community-based organization dedicated to aid in the development and coordination of programs for the preservation and redevelopment of the Greater Sheepshead Bay area of Kings County. GSBDC is located in Community District #15 within zip codes of 11223, 11229, and 11235. These communities are characterized by a mix of one-four family homes, multi-unit rent stabilized buildings, co-op buildings, a large public housing project and a Mitchell Lama complex.

GSBDC offers the following programs:

1. Affordable Housing Counseling Program: We offer housing counseling to low-income residents (tenants, coop owners and homeowners) to reduce their monthly rent, maintenance and real property taxes by processing government subsidy applications and renewal forms. The savings from these subsidies increases monthly disposable income for daily living expenses and prevents eviction and foreclosure.

2. Foreclosure Prevention Program: We assist at-risk homeowners from losing their homes to foreclosure by processing applications for loan modifications that make monthly mortgage payments affordable. We comply with lenders for needed documents, respond to court summonses and prepare for settlement conferences. The impact of our services allows homeowners to remain in their homes with reduced mortgage payments.

3. Financial Counseling: We help people understand the terms of their mortgages and refinancing, the consequences of indebtedness and how it affects future borrowing credit and how to reduce expenses and increase income. We do a financial workup to create a realistic household budget and develop a plan to reduce and consolidate household debt.

Southside United HDFC
Type: Preservation
434 South 5th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Ramon Peguero
(718) 387-3600

The mission of Southside United HDFC (better known as Los Sures®) is to nurture and sustain a vibrant neighborhood that supports the diverse family life of Williamsburg by advocating for and developing affordable housing, family health and well-being, and equal opportunity for all. Los Sures was founded in 1972 and has developed and preserved over 5,000 units of affordable housing in the Williamsburg community. The organization currently owns and manages over 600 units of housing and offers direct social services for both our tenants and community residents. Our Community Organizing department has worked to engage, organize, and educate residents facing displacement and landlord harassment. We work with almost two dozen active tenant associations and the community at large to empower tenants to take action to protect their homes and the neighborhood.
In addition to affordable housing preservation and development, Los Sures has a very active Social Services unit which operates a Choice Food Pantry that provides groceries to over 16,000 individuals per year and which is linked to a Hydroponic Farm that provides fresh produce to low-income residents. Los Sures operates a Senior Center where over 70 seniors per day go for lunch and social recreation.

Midwood Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
1416 Avenue M
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Linda S. Goodman
(718) 376-0999

Midwood Development Corporation (MDC) is a multi-faceted nonprofit community-based organization. The agency's mission is to stabilize, develop, and enhance the community by providing a comprehensive range of services for all those who live, work, and shop in the area.

These services include:

Housing and Benefits Counseling {SCRIE, Heap, etc) tenants rights; foreclosure counseling, first time homebuyer counseling

Supported Employment for people with developmental disabilities

Recreational Programs for people with developmental disabilities

Commercial Revitalization {Piacemaking and assistance to Merchants Association)

Youth Programs- After-school programs for elementary school children

English as a Second Language Classes

Computer Training classes

NHS Brooklyn
Type: Preservation
2806 Church Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tonya Ores
(718) 469-4679

Since 1982, Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn (“NHS Brooklyn”) has been working to help revitalize and sustain communities that have been traditionally underserved and experienced disinvestment. With the ever-increasing challenges that homeowners face today in our communities, NHS Brooklyn still assists low- and moderate-income families to buy, maintain and keep their homes. NHS Brooklyn's programs work to keep the dream of homeownership a responsible goal in underserved neighborhoods through four program areas: Homeownership Education; Foreclosure Prevention; Homeownership Lending; Community Revitalization through Real Estate Development; and Resident Leadership and Community Building.

NHS Brooklyn provides direct services to homeowners across Kings County, with a special but not limited focus on Central and Southern Brooklyn.

LDC of Crown Heights
Type: Preservation
230 Kingston Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Caple G. Spence
(718) 604-0020

The Local Development Corporation of Crown Heights, Inc. (LDDCH) is a non-profit community based organization founded in 1987. It was created in the same spirit as the empowerment zones and Strategic Planning Communities in New York State, to provide assistance to individuals who are least able to help themselves and to attract financial resources to the housing stock and commercial sector of Crown Heights. Our mission is to improve the neighborhood's physical housing conditions while increasing the quality of life of community residents.

Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Program (NPP). Through this program LDCCH offers assistance in housing and quality of life issues. Other services offered under this programs are:

First Time Home Buyer Workshops

Property Maintenance Workshops

Housing Development programs

Apartment relocation

Counseling to Business owners and individuals

Joint collaborative projects with other community organizations

Information and referrals to government agencies and other organizations

First Time Home Buyer Workshops - these workshops help to increase the awareness of individuals and families of Crown Heights and surrounding communities on the benefits of owning their own houses. LDC also assists individuals to get their home mortgages, refinance their properties, etc.

Home / Property maintenance workshops - at these workshops, community members are given tips and information on how to prevent and/or handle small households' maintenance problems.

The Local Development of Crown Heights takes great pride by having a program that assists local businesses financially through its Minority and Women Revolving Loan Program. The Minority and Women Revolving Loan Program is a program designed to assist small business owners who conduct or own business in Crown Heights, Central Brooklyn. This program is funded by the Empire State Development Corporation. The program is available to minorities' business owners, start-ups or existing. Loans are available from $2,000 up to $50,000 at affordable interest rate and reasonable terms.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Inc.
Type: Preservation
462 36th Street
Suite 3h
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Michele De La Uz
(718) 686-7946

Founded in 1990, Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-certified counseling agency based in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, whose mission is to empower low- and moderate-income Brooklyn residents to secure quality housing and build financial assets.

NHN program areas include:

Tenant Counseling, Advocacy & Organizing: NHN provides English/Spanish bilingual one-on-one tenant counseling, as well as Tenant Rights Workshops and Legal Clinics throughout Sunset Park and in neighboring communities. NHN also organizes renters living in distressed buildings to address unsafe housing conditions and coordinates United Neighbors in Action (UNA), a group of Sunset Park tenants that meets regularly to share their stories, learn about their rights, and work together to preserve affordable housing and strengthen the community.

First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling: NHN promotes sustainable homeownership for low- to moderate-income households via Homebuyer Readiness Orientations and Seminars, Financial Literacy Workshops, and one-on-one counseling and mortgage assistance. NHN helps first-time home buyers determine if they are ready to purchase a home and teaches them how to prepare their credit and finances, choose an affordable mortgage, and access down payment/closing cost assistance, providing support throughout the home-buying process.

Foreclosure Prevention Counseling: NHN helps homeowners facing mortgage delinquency or default understand their options and the foreclosure process; develop a budget; assess their finances and determine if they can keep their homes; pursue favorable refinancing opportunities or apply for loan modifications; identify signs of predatory lending and, in cases of fraud or abuse, obtain legal assistance; access property tax reductions for (low-income, disabled or elderly individuals) and rescue funds; and make informed decisions that maximize their financial stability and preserve their assets.

Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
132 Ralph Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Jeffrey Dunston
(718) 453-9490

Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corporation is a not-for-profit preservation company located in the Stuyvesant Heights Neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York, serving four neighborhoods <br>in Brooklyn: Bedford Stuyvesant (Community District 3), Crown Heights (Community District 8), East New York (Community District 5) and Oceanhill/Brownville (Community District 16).

Northeast Brooklny Housing offers the following:

Affordable Housing - NEBHDCo develops affordable rental housing for low and moderate income households.

Property Management - NEBHDCo provide property management services to low and moderate income building owners.

Community Programs - Provides tenant support services, healthy food to both tenants and community, to have better access to healthier food choices and living initiatives, youth support and community social activities.

East New York Urban Youth Corps Inc.
Type: Preservation
539 Alabama Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Winchester Key
(347) 770-9601

East New York Urban Youth Corps, Inc. ( ENYUYC ) was established in 1987 to promote and facilitate neighborhood controlled revitalization, growth, development, and empowerment in East New York. ENYUYC is involved in construction, development, and management of affordable housing, youth programs, crime prevention programs, social services programs, and ENYUYC acts as a springboard for employment capacitation and training for under-served residents( i.e the youth and very low income head of households). ENYUYC has completed 12 construction development projects resulting in the creation of 583 units of affordable housing. Currently ENYUYC manages over 650 units of affordable housing in 70 buildings, including a Tier II shelter. In addition, ENYUYC has a resident advocacy and tenant organizing component. The Youth Development Program consists of after-school programs, the PACT - ( Police and Community Together ) truancy program, and summer camp program. Our major sources of funding are: NYS - DHS, Department of Justice, DHCR, Development Fees, other government agencies, and private fund raising.

Brooklyn Neighborhood Improvement Association Inc.
Type: Preservation
465 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Yahya O. Raji
(718) 773-4116

Brooklyn Neighborhood Improvement Association, Inc. (BNIA) is a 501(c)(3) neighborhood preservation organization dedicated to serving the housing and community development needs of residents and businesses in Central Brooklyn and East New York. The organization was founded in 1978 by community residents, merchants and church leaders in an effort to save the neighborhood from decay and destruction.

BNIA serves the residents of Neighborhood Development Area #3, Neighborhood Development Area #8(Crown Heights) and Neighborhood Development Area 16 (Brownsville/OceanHill) by providing housing counseling and tenant organizing.

BNIA also provides an array of services and programs - housing development, rehabilitation, and management; youth employment, life skills training and development.

ST. Nicks Alliance Corp.
Type: Preservation
2 Kingsland Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Michael F. Rochford
(718) 388-5454

St. Nicks Alliance provides a range services for residents primarily in the area of North Brooklyn.   The Neighborhood Preservation services are concentrated in the Williamsburg and Greenpoint neighborhoods. These areas, like much of Brooklyn have seen the rapid increase in real estate values and displacement of low and moderate income residents.   These at risk residents have also seen services cut which can assist them to address issues of poverty.
St. Nicks Alliance was founded in 1975 by community residents and business people who were determined to reverse the spiral of economic decline, building abandonment and growing poverty in their community.  Over the past 40 years, St. Nicks has grown to be a multi-service organization with programs assisting more than 11,000 residents and businesses annually.  St. Nicks focuses on five major service areas: Housing and Community Development, Workforce Development, Youth and Education, Elder Care and Civic Anchor.
St. Nicks Alliance is one of the oldest and most accomplished community development groups in NYC.  As the developer of over 2,000 units of affordable housing, St. Nicks has focused on this essential need throughout our 40 year history.  St. Nicks creates and preserves housing; assists local residents; and manage more than 1,150 housing units.  Our housing efforts assist more than 7,000 people annually.  We provide homes for over 4,500 low-income, moderate-income and special needs residents.  We also provide housing services for 3,000 more households.
Over the past 8 years St. Nicks has carried through an Affordable Preservation Initiative to refinance and renovated 28 buildings with more than 790 units of affordable housing using over $100 million in financing.  Additionally there are projects under construction currently which will create or preserve over 178 apartments with $64 million in financing.
St. Nicks also addresses other service needs of residents.  We serve more than 3,000 young people from elementary to high school each year with a range of services.  . Our home health care program serves over 700 clients and has spawned initiatives to create an assisted living residence.  St. Nicks' Workforce Development division, assists almost 2,000 unemployed and underemployed job seekers each year, providing them with the tools they need to secure stable employment.

ODA Community Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
12 Heyward ST
2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Joseph Schwartz
(718) 522-5925

ODA Housing/Community Services Programs acted with these goals for the year 2007-2008; affordable housing solutions, growth of the commercial revitalization of retail areas in the central area, launching retail and services businesses in new residential areas. It was a year of strengthening relationships with local business owners, building owners and builders to work together to grow south Williamsburg.

It was a year of working with existing homeowners on refinancing their homes to take advantage of the low interest rates and work with low-income potential homeowners to qualify for mortgages even at these low rates.

The strategic plan process for NPC had us focus on our own organization as well as the various segments of the community we serve to look forward to what the stakeholders needs and goals really are and how ODA can best continue to grow to anticipate and meet those needs and goals.

DHCR Weatherization Program at ODA and the Housing Program have embarked on a joint venture Home Improvement Program for the low-income homeowners.

The Housing /Community Services Program worked with homebuyers and homeowners on mortgages totaling over $12,000,000. They also worked with small building owners and builders on projects in the South Williamsburg community.

Trees were planted and window flower boxes were given out to add a sense of residential ambiance to an area where the rezoning allowed for residential units to replace underutilized industrial buildings.

ODA Minority Business Development Center assisted over 250 clients and provided over $30,000,000 in assistance in loans and government or corporate contracts for minority clients in Brooklyn and Staten Island.

Community Organization of Southern Brooklyn, Inc.
Type: Preservation
4006 18th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Tom Bauer
(718) 435-1300

The Community Organization of Southern Brooklyn, Inc., or COSB, was founded in 1977 to serve the community with a wide range of neighborhood and housing services. With the onset of ever increasing incidents of mortgage foreclosures in 2009, COSB expanded its services to include foreclosure prevention counseling to homeowners. Counseling is conducted one-on-one by COSB's certified counselors, within a private office setting, to insure confidentiality.

Our services include the development of low- and moderate-income housing, mortgage and credit counseling, foreclosure counseling, assistance to homeowners in applying for low-interest home improvement loans, and assistance to tenants with applications for housing-related benefit and entitlement programs, and housing relocation

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Funded by:
New York Division of Housing and Community Renewal  | 
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