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The Rural Preservation Company of Clinton County, Inc. has been in existence since 1986. Our mission as a housing agency is to improve the living conditions of low-income homeowners within our Clinton County service area.
Our targeted population is the low-income (at or below 90% or median income), with a major emphasis on the low-income elderly. The RPC staff includes a housing resource packager who assists only the senior population. Working in conjunction with Clinton County Office for the Aging, Joint Council for Ecomonmic Opportunity, Clinton County Health Department and USDA Rural Development, the RPC has established a fabulous networking system. This ensures that income eligible homeowner's needs are met, with an emphasis on the elderly population.
Friends of the North Country, Inc. (formerly Friends of Keeseville) was incorporated in 1981; our DHCR-designated service area includes the towns of AuSable, Black Brook, Chesterfield, and Jay; however Friends' work occurs throughout Clinton and Franklin counties. Friends partners with municipalities, counties, residents, businesses, and human service organizations to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing.
Friends Rural Preservation Program activities include HOME and Access to Home housing rehabilitation programs in Clinton and Franklin counties, assisting municipal partners to apply for and administer: CDBG programs, Main Street programs, emergency management and hazard mitigation planning in Clinton, Franklin, and Essex counties.
Friends is a member of the Clinton County Continuum of Care that provides comprehensive services to end homelessness in Clinton County.
Friends is a HUD approved Housing Counseling Agency, assisting thousands of clients in Clinton, Franklin, and Essex counties with three staff counselors who provide pre- and post-purchase housing counseling which includes mortgage foreclosure prevention, home maintenance, and household budget counseling and services. All housing counseling is provided free of charge.